It’s been over two months since we returned from China, and I am only just getting around to scheduling visits and returning calls to the many friends and family we haven’t touched base with yet. We’d been taking it slow, staying close to home, getting down the new “ day to day” routine and occasionally taking on a little adventure. Focusing our energy on Liam and Emmett and on most days not having much left over. When more than one person mentioned wondering when they would see our faces on the side of a milk cartoon, I knew it was time to get my act together!
So, what’s new here on Osborne Ave? In a word, lots! Mostly the mundane, but with the addition of Liam into our lives those annual celebrations, favorite haunts, and daily activities and chores have taken on a newness. We’ve spent a fair amount of our time trekking around the neighborhood familiarizing Liam with Emmett’s favorite places: playgrounds. There’s Hillcrest and St Mark School to either side of our house and the grand daddy of them all The Tire Park. A playground entirely constructed of recycled tires.
We’ve celebrated a holiday and some birthdays. We’ve introduced Liam to both the good and the bad. The good, Easter egg hunts and yummy birthday cakes and the bad, the idea that the birthday present is meant for the birthday boy alone.
He is also becoming familiar with the joys and the drudgery of residing in our house. It’s got lots of great nooks and crannies in which to hide, stairs to hop and slide down, a porch to tricycle on in the rain and a big yard to explore. The hedges that surround the perimeter offer endless hiding spots for boys, bunnies and birds. Is there a downside, yes! 1899 is not only significant because it was the year our house was built, but also because any given weekend means there are at least 1899 chores that should be done! While Liam and Emmett often don’t participate, after all we know child labor is frowned upon! They do occasionally stop playing and lend us a hand. Emmett is very good at lifting, pushing and moving things and Liam is a helpful assistant gardener.
While our recent reclusiveness has been called into question, I am happy to report we have ventured away from the homestead with some frequency. Some adventures are nearby like hikes in Patapsco Park, Maryland’s first state park, which makes up part of our town. And probably more interesting, a beautiful Saturday May morning spent in Baltimore’s Mt. Vernon Square neighborhood for Flowermart. Flowermart is a 100 year old festival that takes place in downtown Baltimore each spring. It is a time to celebrate spring, listen to music, check out some art and of course pick up some plants for your garden. I came away with some funky heirloom tomato plants I had been hunting for. Women are known to wear outrageous spring hats and crab cakes are served up along with the Flowermart signature peppermint stick in a lemon. We broke out the toddler backpack for the first time and Liam thoroughly enjoyed surveying the crowd high atop Jerry’s shoulders. He also loves his sun glasses, and I must say looked particularly cool with them on.
Hey there! We adopted one of Liam's best friends from Jiaozuo. His name was Wu Jun. Here's our blog, if you want to see his picture.
If Liam wants to Skype with Moses (Wu Jun) give me a shout. Moses still recognizes Liam in all of the pictures, and I can tell he misses him.